Atitudes Sociais dos Portugueses

O programa Atitudes Sociais dos Portugueses (ASP) tem promovido a elaboração de várias publicações, destacando-se a colecção de livros ASP, editada pela Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, e a recentemente iniciada colecção de boletins / destaques de divulgação.


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Exemplos de outras publicações de investigadores nacionais envolvendo dados dos projectos ASP:

Aboim, S. (2010). Gender cultures and the division of labour in contemporary Europe: a cross-national perspective. The Sociological Review, 58 (2), 171-196.

Aboim, S. (2010). Family and gender values in contemporary Europe: The attitudinal gender gap from a cross-national perspective. Portuguese Journal of Social Sciences, 9(1), 33-58.

Almeida, J. F. (2013). Desigualdades e perspetivas dos cidadãos: Portugal e a Europa. Lisboa: Editora Mundos Sociais.

Almeida, J. F., Machado, F. L., & Costa, A. F. (2006). Social classes and values in Europe.  Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 5 (2), 95-117.

Anderson, C. J. & Mendes, S. M. (2005). Leaning to lose: Election outcomes, democratic experience, and political protest potential. British Journal of Political Science, 36, 91-111.

Boomgaarden, H. G., & Freire, A. (2009). Religion and Euroscepticism: Direct, indirect or no effects? West European Politics, 32 (6), 1240-1265.

Brandão, A. M. & Machado, T.C. (2012). How equal is equality? Discussions about same-sex marriage in Portugal. Sexualities, 15 (5-6), 662-678.

Cabral, M. V. (2000). O exercício da cidadania política em Portugal. Análise Social, XXXV, 85-113.

Cabral, M. V., Silva, F. C., & Saraiva, T. (2008). Introdução. In M. V. Cabral, F.C. Silva, & T. Saraiva (Eds.), Cidade & cidadania: Governança urbana e participação cidadã (pp. 17-28). Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.

Cardoso, J.L., Magalhães, P.C., & Pais, J. M. (Eds.). (2013). Portugal social de A a Z: temas em aberto. Lisboa: Expresso / ICS.

Carmo, R. M., & Nunes, N. (2013). Class and social capital in europe: A transnational analysis of the European Social Survey. European Societies, 15 (3), 373-387.

Costa, A. F., Machado, F. L., & Almeida, J. F. (2007). Classes sociais e recursos educativos: uma análise transnacional. In. A. F. Costa, F. L. Machado & P. Ávila (Eds.), Sociedade e conhecimento, Portugal no contexto europeu vol. II (pp. 5-20). Oeiras: Celta Editora.

Deschamps, J-C., Vala, J., Marinho, C., Costa-Lopes, R., & Cabecinhas, R. (2005). Intergroup relations, racism and attribution of natural and cultural traits. Psicologia Política, 30, 27-39.

de Sousa, L. (2008) ‘I don’t bribe, I just pull strings’: Assessing the fluidity of social representations of corruption in Portuguese society. Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 9 (1), 8-23.

de Sousa, L., Magalhães, P., & Amaral, L. (in press). Sovereign debt and government failures. Portuguese democracy and the financial crisis. American Behavioral Scientist.

Ferreira, V. S., Nunes, C. (2010). Les trajectoires de passage à L’âge adulte en Europe. Politiques Sociales et Familiales, 102, 21-38.

Freire, A. (2006). Bringing social identities back in: The social anchors of left-right orientation in western Europe. International Political Science Review. 27 (4), 359-378.

Freire, A. (2008). Party Polarization and Citizens’ Left−−Right Orientations. Party Politics. 14 (2), 189-209.

Lima, M. L., Barnett, J., & Vala, J. (2005). Risk perception and technological development at the societal level. Risk Analysis, 25, 1229-1239.

Lima, M. L. & Novo, R. (2006). So far so good? Subjective and social well-being in Portugal and Europe. Portuguese Journal of Social Science Vol. 5 (1), 5-33.

Lima, M. P. C., & Artiles, A. M. (2013). Youth voice(s) in EU countries and social movements in southern Europe. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 19 (3), 345-364.

Lopes, C. A. (2010). Consumer morality in times of economic hardship: evidence from the European Social Survey. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 34(2), 112-120.

Lyonnette, C, Crompton, R., & Wall, K. (2007). Gender, occupational class and work-life conflict. Community, Work and Family,10 (3), 283-308.

Magalhães, P. C. (2005). Disaffected democrats: Political attitudes and political action in Portugal. West European Politics, 28 (5), 973-991.

Marques, S., Batista, M., & Silva, P. A. (2012). A promoção do envelhecimento ativo em Portugal: preditores da aceitação de um chefe mais velho. Sociologia, (Número temático: Envelhecimento demográfico), 53-73.

Marques, S., Swift, H., Vauclair, C-M., Lima, M. L., Bratt, C., & Abrams, D. (in press). Being old and ill across different countries: Social status, age identification, and older people’s subjective health. Psychology & Health.

Mauritti, R. (2008). Anotações metodológicas e operacionais num Olhar de comparação internacional. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 57, 155-162.

Neira, I., Portela, M., & Vieira, E. (2010). Social capital and growth in European regions. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies. 10 (2), 19-28.

Nico, M. (2010). Individualized housing careers in early adulthood: Conditions and constraints in a familistic society. Sociological Research Online, 15(1).

Peral, E. B. & Ramos, A. (2014). Neighbours: determinants of whom europeans want to keep a distance. In W. Arts, & L. Halman (Eds.), Value contrasts and consensus in present-day Europe: painting Europe’s moral landscapes (pp. 117-141).

Leiden: Brill. Pereira, C., Vala, J., & Costa-Lopes, R. (2010). From prejudice to discrimination: The legitimizing role of perceived threat in discrimination against immigrants. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 1231-1250.

Pereira, M. C. & Coelho, F. (2013). Untangling the relationship between income and subjective well-being: The role of perceived income adequacy and borrowing constraints. Journal of Happiness Studies, 14(3), 985-1005.

Pereira, M. C. & Coelho, F. (2013). Work hours and well being: An investigation of moderator effects. Social Indicators Research, 111 (1), 235-253.

Ramos, A. (2006). Social values dynamics and socio-economic development. Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 5 (1), 35-64. Ramos, A. et al (Eds.) (2013). 20 Anos de opinião pública em Portugal e na Europa. Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.

Ramos, A. & Vala, J. (2009). Predicting opposition towards immigration: Economic resources, social resources and moral principlesIn A. Gari & K. Mylonas (Eds.) Quod Erat Demonstrandum: From Herodotus’ Ethnographic Journeys to Cross-Cultural Research. Athens: Pedio Books Publishing.

Ramos, A., Vala, J., & Pereira, C. (2008). Oposição a políticas anti-aacistas na Europa: Factores individuais e sócioestruturais. In M. V. Cabral, K. Wall, S. Aboim, & F. C. Silva (Eds.), Itinerários: A Investigação nos 25 Anos do ICS (pp. 257-281). Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.

Sá, C., Martins, A., & Gomes, C. (2014). Tax morale, occupation, and income level: an analysis of Portuguese taxpayers. Journal of Economics, Business, and Management, 2, 112-116.

Schmidt, L. (2009). Civic Action and Media in the Water Issues. In C. Buchanan, P. Vicente, & E. Vlachos (Eds.), Making the Passage Through the 21st Century: Water as a Catalyst for Change (pp. 151-190). Lisbon: Luso American Foundation.

Schmidt, L., Nave, J. G., & Guerra, J. (2006). Who’s afraid of local agenda? Top-down and bottom-up perspectives on local sustainability. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 5 (2), 181-198.

Silva, F. C., Aboim, S., Saraiva, T. (2008). Participação cívica e vida urbana em Portugal. In M. V. Cabral, F.C. Silva, & T. Saraiva (Eds.), Cidade & cidadania: Governança urbana e participação cidadã (pp. 243-269). Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.

Silva, F. C., Ramirez, M. A., Vieira, M. B. (2008). Classe, cidade e poder. Nova classe média, valores políticos e cidades globais. In M. V. Cabral, F.C. Silva, & T. Saraiva (Eds.), Cidade & cidadania: Governança urbana e participação cidadã  (pp. 295-315). Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.

Swift, H. J., Vaulclair, C-M., Abrams, D., Bratt, C., Marques, S., & Lima, M. L. (in press). Revisiting the paradox of well-being: The importance of national context. Journal of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.

Torres, A. (2008). Women, gender, and work: The Portuguese case in the context of the European Union. International Journal of Sociology, 38 (4), 36-56.

Torres, A. & Brites, R. (2006). European attitudes and values: The perspective of gender in a transverse analysis. Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 5 (3), 179-214.

Torres, A., Coelho, B., Cardoso, I., & Brites, R. (2012). A mysterious european threesome: Work-care regimes, policies and gender. RIMCIS – International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 1 (1), 31-61.

Torres, A., Mendes, R., & Lapa, T. (2008). Families in Europe. Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 7 (1), 49-84.

Vala, J. & Costa-Lopes, R. (2010). Youth attitudes toward difference and diversity: a cross-national analysis. Análise Social, Vol. XLV, 195, 255-275.

Vala, J. & Costa-Lopes, R. (2012). National identity and attitudes towards immigrants in a comparative perspective. In F. Höllinger, & M. Hadler (Eds.), Crossing borders, shifting boundaries: national and transnational identities in Europe and beyond (pp. 71-100). Frankfurt / New York: Campus Verlag.

Vala, J., Lima, M., & Lopes, D. (2004). Social values, prejudice and solidarity in the European Union. In W. Arts & L. Halman (Eds.), European values at the turn of the millennium (pp. 139-163). Leiden: Brill.

Vala, J., Lopes, D., & Lima, M. (2008). Black Immigrants in Portugal: Luso–tropicalism and prejudice. Journal of Social Issues, 64 (2), 287-302.

Vala, J., Pereira, C., & Ramos, A. (2006). Racial prejudice, threat perception and opposition to immigration: a comparative analysis. Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 2 (5), 119-140.

Vauclair, C.-M., Marques, S., Lima, M. L., Bratt, C., Swift, H., & Abrams, D. (in press). Subjective social status of older people across countries: The role of modernization and employment. Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.

Vauclair, C.-M., Marques, S., Lima, M. L., Abrams, D., Swift, H., & Bratt, C. (in press). Perceived age discrimination as a mediator of the association between income inequality and older people´s self-rated health in the European Region. Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.

Wall, K. (2007). Main patterns in attitudes to the articulation between work and family life: a cross-national analysis. In R. Crompton, S. Lewis, & C. Lyonnette (Eds.), Women, Men, Work and Family in Europe (pp. 86-115).Palgrave: Houndmills.

Wangberg, S., Andreassen, H. K., Prokosch, H-U, Santana, S., Sorensen, T., & Chronaki, C. E. (2008). Relations between internet use, socio-economic status (SES), social support and subjective health. Health Promotion International, 23 (1), 70-77.
